Monday, October 17, 2011

Life as a news junkie ...

I have to admit I comb through several different sites and read the news from more than one angle because the truth of the matter is that you have to realize that news is often slated by the opinion of the person who is reporting it and lets face it most of the media is pumped full of what I would call overly liberal politically correct idiots.  Yep I said it idiots.  How many times have you tuned into the evening news and watch an interview and thought WHAT kind of question is that???  Really they shove a microphone into the face of a family member who just found out their loved one is dead and they ask "how does that make you feel to find out that your loved one was killed by a drunk driver who did not have a license?"  Really anyone with an IQ higher than a slug already knows the answer to that incredibly stupid question.  Worse yet how is it possible that we can have soldiers die half a world a way it it barely registers on any news stations or articles?  Young men and women are dying and leaving behind a huge hole in the life of their families and friends and we are more concerned with what dress Kim Kardashian wore in her wedding or what are the latest antics of Lindsey Lohan?  That is a sad state of affairs that as a country we have become so concerned with the mundane idiotic lives of so called famous people that we have forgotten what really matters.  I find myself wondering if all this is leading to the dumbing of Americans in general.

How is a person to find the truth if you can not trust most news agencies to report the real facts?  That of course is a conundrum in itself.  I usually try to find more than one article pertaining to a topic and read it from more than one angle realizing that the truth is most likely somewhere in between the lines.  People are fixated on worth less and senseless news stories because of the sensationalism of the story itself.  For instance death and gore stories are always popular and to make up for making your feel bad they will mix in the occasional piece of "feel good" fluff.  Most of the time a news station never even bothers to follow up to let it's viewers know how something turned out because they assume our attention span is not long enough to recall or care .. sigh how sad is that.  How many times have you heard a story about a murder or tragic event yet you never hear any follow up?  That 69 year old you read about that was beat up and left for dead .. you never hear if his assailants were captured, tried and convicted.  Yet you are well aware if Mel Gibson settled his case with this ex-girlfriend AKA baby's momma.  Seriously how is it that we have resorted to this level where gossip is more important?

Ah as for me I will do my best to keep my children from being a part of a giant cog that is forgetting how to think for itself.


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