Friday, October 22, 2010

Family that plays together .. stays together!

Being a parent is never all that easy. We have to make the hard decisions and sometimes we have to yikes say the word “NO” to them. Turns out that this is entirely okay for them to hear and believe it or not its our JOB to teach them the difference between right and wrong. So many times I see people trying to be their children’s “friend” instead of their parents.... Newsflash folks .. if you want your kids to respect you then you best be stepping up to the plate and guiding them because if you don’t that pot smoking, free loading, juvenal delinquent, certainly will have no issues teaching your kids what they think is right. One of the ways I try to stay connected with my kids .. and yes hang on to your hats ... I play games with them. Board games, made up games, run in the yard and act stupid games and yep I even grab a controller and hop onto the X-box 360 with them. I do not think the video game system is a way to escape from your kids I think it is an awesome way to interact with them. On family game nights we all take turns with the controllers (we kind of have too there are five of us and only four controllers). I might not be the best player but who would of thunk that I would be sitting on the couch yelling at my kids to kill that guy or to throw a grenade but hey I like Halo Reach just like any other crazy gamer ... I am just not very good at it but I cut myself a break. I figure it is not my fault I am from the era that invented the Atari. We were blissfully and deliriously happy with our joystick and single button darn it. Heck I can even remember being proud of playing pong for hours .. sigh now I have to hit the LB button while pulling the trigger button and do not forget to click the directional pad all at the same time. Which, by the way, is precisely why I happen to end up dead quite a few times. I admit it, me, a thirty nine year old woman happens to love shooting someone, blowing them up, or better hit using a melee attack to whip them out. It melts away the stress of the day.

The really funny part is my dear sweet son, in his quest to be politically correct, actually said to me “its okay mom, you are a good distraction” in his response to my comment that I really do suck at the game. Hmmmm me thinks he happens to like watching his mother explode a time or two.

So here it is a Friday night, I had to come home early from work (sinus infection - yuck) but I need to prop myself up on this silly couch because the flood need their butt kicked and my son needs a “distraction”. The joys of parenthood!

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