Friday, October 22, 2010

Typical Day or Is it??

Before I had children I stupidly thought that being a mom could not possibly be all that hard. Wow, was I clueless. Do not get me wrong I love it. I love those moments when I am sitting there and for no reason at all I get the “I love you”, or when you are sitting there on the couch and you suddenly think “wow I am thirsty” and you realize you get to say “go get me a drink” to one of your three kids and they practically fight to be the one to get it. (Do not worry I am not delusional I am positive that the day where I get the sigh, moan, followed by the “do I have too” is not all that far away).

This morning started like any other day. I get to ever so gently wake them from their slumber with a soft kiss and a hair tussle ... okay really I flip the light on, watch them squirm by the sudden intrusion of bright annoying light, bark orders regarding having exactly ten minutes to be up, dressed, and downstairs or else. I actually love when one of them tries the good old “or else what”? comment because truthfully, i love to come up with what ends up sounding like new forms of legal torture. There is the .. or else I will print up those pictures of you I got when you were picking your nose and take them to your school and decorate the halls with it .. or there is the I will wait until your friends are around and ask you if you wet the bed again last night or did you stay dry? (of course none of it is true but you know the fact that as a parent I have information, some true, and some not so true, that could potentially kill their social life for the next 15 years certainly does get them motivated to keep me happy.

Once their precious and beautiful faces are all smiling and down in the kitchen, it is lunch packing time. Our recreation room doubles as an extended pantry and well Sam’s Club has turned into our weakness. It turns out you can buy chips, crackers, pudding, applesauce, and anything else you could ever need to pack a lunch with in JUMBO size. Some morning you would think we were asking for them to perform an incredible task ... I mean really we are asking them to yikes, pick what you want for lunch, AND put it in a lunch sack... the nerve, the horror, the hard work we are forcing onto them. Don’t worry I checked the child labor laws and so far we are okay, you can indeed have your children pack their lunch without violating any laws.

If we survive the lunch packing we still have to have breakfast eating, teeth brushing, hair brushing (okay the boys luck out on this one, we keep their hair short), and here comes another nasty word, chores. Now the chores are simple, feel and water the animals. I know terrible and demanding but they have to date survived the horror of helping out.

Michael, the oldest, walks to school in the mornings and the two youngest usually go with me to the office for about twenty minutes before I drive them to school and drop them off. My grandfather would be freaked out that there was no walking to school up hill both ways, through horrific weather conditions, and no shoes. These of course are different times and now that would be a form of child abuse punishable by jail time I am sure.

Today, I got to skip the office first thing and sit in on a table top exercise (and for those people not in the know .. NO that is not a gym or exercise routine that takes place on top of a table). It is alway fun to have multiple agencies hanging out discussing the what if’s of some random act of either terrorism or tragic accident. To me it is a great networking meeting so you can learn the key players before something would possibly happen.

The rest of the day went by in a flurry of phone calls involving everything from mold, air quality, sewage, and my favorite a complaint involving neighbors. Finally my favorite time of the weekday came around .. yep you guessed it .. quitting time. Then it is off to school to pick up my angle little girl who never ever gets in trouble (okay well maybe she does sometimes but so far it usually just involves talking, umm talking back, not listening or something else that does not involve anyone getting hurt). As I recall when I was growing up when the school called about my brother there was usually punches being thrown. So you know I can work with the talking .. .because if you couldn’t tell her mom likes to talk as well.

With the husband working over tonight I do believe the evening will be centered primarily on homework, dinner, homework, and if there is any time left maybe I might do a little homework.

Oh which reminds me guess I better stop talking on here and get that done .. nope I have no idea where she gets that talking bug from.

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