Friday, October 22, 2010

A Day in the Life of Me

I believe in the minds of my children they are convinced that so some level that I revel in the joy of getting them out of bed for school. Of course that is far from the truth, I do not believe anyone can enjoy repeating themselves at least three times for the simplest tasks. Because even though the requests seem simple ... you know, get dressed, pack your lunch, and heaven forbid the evil “brush your teeth”, they all seem to be difficult for two 7 year olds and a 10 year old to process. Hey but you know I have to get up for work, they have to get up for school.

The next part of my day was pleasant really, the husband made me a travel mug of tea (my true morning joy), the weather was perfect and I had a site to be on. Not a tough job for a beautiful morning, the soil scientist had to do all the work I just get to stand there and throw out my opinion occasionally. Now I would love to say the experience was all good but of course the grass was wet, my boots were soaked through to my socks and well it turns out the ground was rolling every which way and the horizon was a difficult read. Again, I was still smiling after all the sun was perfect but then I ran into some huge spider, don’t worry I pulled it off, did not act the least bit concerned (even though in the inside I was screaming like a little girl!). I discovered (largely due to the fact that the soil scientist knew it’s name) that it is something we have here in Indiana called the Garden Spider. Go ahead google away .. it looks like it may be able to devour one of the children on a good day!. Luckily it stand devoted to wrapping up a grasshopper and well I choose to walk way around it.

Well that was my morning anyways ... and now that it is closing on the day I have to wonder how in the world did scientist come up with a number of spiders they believe we eat in our sleep in a year? I mean seriously even if they figured it out in some sick twisted way, why in the world torture us with that kind of information?? I am already an insomniac as it is .. do they really need to throw in the whole “gee why you are sleeping bugs are climbing down your throat” image? I just do not need stress like that because now I am picturing this rather tremendously huge spider (and yes each time I tell the story I plan on making the spider just a tiny bit bigger - it’s my story and I can do that) the size of saucer climbing down my throat. Yep that should help me sleep. Maybe I should forget about the sleepy time tea and switch to wine.....

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