Sunday, July 7, 2013

Good Enough

One of the challenges of being a parent is trying to make your children understand that doing their best at something should be imperative.  My daughter is of that mindset there should be a "good enough" award.  If she is doing the dishes you will always find food still stuck on things and when you point it out to her you will hear the "why are you being so picky" or "its good enough" type comments.  It can be frustrating and hard to make her understand that no one really wants to eat off of barely clean plates. That is where I decided to use her own logic against her.  Sometimes if you can not make them see your way I believe we have to attempt to show them.

After asking five separate times for the small hand full of dishes to be washed, without food stuck on them, I threw in the towel and did that one things I am sure she wanted me to do the entire time, I finished them myself.  I know that was not the way to handle it but it did get my wheels turning an idea formed in my brain.  Lunch time rolled around and I pulled out last night's rather yummy left overs and made me a plate.  The smell of course inspired my beautiful daughter out of her room with a desire to have lunch.  As she looked all excited to think she was getting a plate of her own I pointed out the peanut butter and jelly, and the bread and told her to get on it.  When she asked why she couldn't have any I explained to her that "a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is food ... therefore it is GOOD ENOUGH for lunch".  Oh granted it is the minimum standard that she was hoping for but you know it will curb your hunger.  She grumbled a bit but got over it quickly.  After lunch she asked for a popsicle I pointed at the ice dispenser and told her to chew on some ice because well ... you guessed it IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH.  Believe it or not she threw her arms up in the air and said she got it, the dishes should be done right not just good enough.

I am kinda disappointed I thought it would take a bit longer for her to come to that conclusion that there is a difference between good enough and done right.  Gosh I guess that means no Ramon noodles for her for supper while we feast on steak and potatoes.  I had so many plans ... there was the giving her laundry back still wet, making her sit just out of eyesight from the TV so she could hear but not see, oh and the half braiding her hair, or painting half her nails.  I know I have issues but at least this was a quick lesson.

Hmmm no I think I should figure out how to drive my sons crazy.  A parents work is never done.....

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