Saturday, March 3, 2012

Despicable ...

I have shared that I am somewhat of a news junkie.  I often read stories from multiple sites (note I do mean gossip such as what in the world the latest so called celebrity is doing but actual stories about real situations and people).

Many of these stories illicit a response from me and I could honestly write a blog a day regarding my reaction and or opinion of what I have read and sometimes an opinion on the way it was written.  Today I read a story I just could not get out of my head. Let me share the link with you first.


I encourage you to not only read the article but to read some of the posted comments.  For those of you that do not have the patience to read the article let me give you a quick summary.  A couple in Oregon are suing the health facility, that according to them, missed their now 4 year olds Down Syndrome in prenatal testing.  There is no way from the article to know what kind of testing that was performed only that they had some testing.   The medical probabilities, percentages, and missed diagnoses is of no concern to me. What is would be that this couple is suing for 7 million dollars because they feel like they now have to raise a child that they would not of if they had known that she would have the disorder.  Seriously?? What is wrong with us that as a society we would even permit this couple to have such a blessing.  The comments range from support for the couple thinking that they should of had the right for an abortion (which in my book is NEVER the answer) Yes you can jump on me and talk about all kind of reasons it may be okay but who are we to say a child with Down's Syndrome is flawed and should not live.

I belong to that club of women where pregnancy did not come easily.  I struggled for that moment I could see the pink plus sign and I struggled to stay pregnant once and when it did happen.  I have lost more than one baby and mourned their loss deeply.  I can tell you that I would of felt blessed regardless of the medical condition, or what everyone else thought was their quality of live. I know other women who are still trying and that would have gladly taken on the "burden" of raising this couples daughter without even blinking an eye, in fact I would still gladly raise her and love her.   I love children .. all of them no matter the burden or the issues.  I realize that it can be taxing, difficult, and can wear you out ... that is where a strong relationship with God helps, a strong network to rely, and did I mention faith??

The idea that we expect that blessing of birth and becoming parents to be easy and without surprises shows me that we are relying to heavily on medical test.  When you decide to become parents and your avenue to become a parent is pregnancy then I hate to break it to some people there are no guarantees.  Should we also promise them that not only will the child be "normal" but that they will have blond hair, blue eyes, have a certain level of I.Q., oh and of course give them any sex that they want.  Why stop there let us check to see if they may be swayed by drugs and alcohol, promise they won't ever die in an accident, break our hearts, talk back, or ever end up in jail.  The entire premise of their lawsuit is ridiculous.  We are talking about the results of a medical test not a drunk surgeon who took of the wrong leg in a surgery gone wrong. If they wanted those kind of guarantees they should stick to playing some pointless SIMS game where they get to design the people.

In my opinion these kind of people who are obviously trying to capitalize off their daughter should not breed.  Yep I went there.

Okay climbing back off the soap box ...

Take care and God Bless

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